Check MEDSynth spin-offs

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DDC aims the pharmaceutical development of Dihydroorotate Dehydrogenase inhibitors and has the goal of bringing its best molecule to the clinical stage within 1 or 2 years. It is a potential new drug for the treatment of Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) that could significantly improve patient’s survival over 5 years.

Our  multidisciplinary team, led by professionals with a long track record  in drug development and clinic, relies on highly skilled personnel with unique competence in developing integrated solutions.

NATO awards Unito for a new broad-spectrum antiviral, MEDS433.
Here, professor Marco Lolli's interview that was transmitted by TGR Piemonte

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beenext is a Spin Off at the University of Turin  born inside the UniTO's Department of Science and Drug Technology (DSTF).
beenext was funded in the 2013 by three DSTF members with the purpose to move to the market both the Department research discoveries and the educational knowledge present in department.
beenext is active in these major fields:
Drug design
Innovative scientific glassware
Educational solutions
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